💯Azuro Score

All bets placed on bookmaker.XYZ earn Azuro Score. It is the first opportunity to earn $AZUR tokens. Azuro Score points will be convertible into $AZUR tokens after the $AZUR token is launched.

Important: The Azuro Score program is not managed by bookmaker.XYZ. For up-to-date details always check www.azuro.org/score

What is Azuro?

Azuro is a decentralized, on-chain betting protocol. It is an infrastructure layer for prediction markets on-chain, where all aspects are decentralised to ensure no single point of failure, including: Front-ends, Liquidity Pools and Oracles.

What is Azuro Score?

Azuro Score is your first opportunity to own a piece of the "house" and the future Azuro airdrop.

The Azuro Score program invites wide community participation and value adds helping ensure the success of Azuro as critical decentralized betting and gambling infrastructure. It is meant to lay the foundations for sufficient decentralization of the ecosystem and the governance of Azuro.

How do I earn Azuro Score?

bookmaker.XYZ is the leading front-end in the Azuro eco-system and as such all bets placed through bookmaker are eligible for Azyro score. You can find all up-to-date details of the Azuro Score program here.

Where can I see my Azuro Score?

You can view your current Azuro score in the profile section on bookmaker.XYZ. You can also view it from the Azuro website on the Azuro Score page

  1. On the top right of the UI select the drop-down menu

  2. Select My Bets

  3. You will see your current Azuro Score under the profile image.

⛓️Azuro Protocol

Last updated